Tschüss Kopf. Tschüss Verstand. Ihr könnt später wiederkommen.
13 Mai 2007
Ach ja: Durchhalten, finishen und es schaffen, das war das einzige Ziel. Hat geklappt. In Worten (siehe Scan): 2:45'19 Stunden habe ich gebraucht und wurde 5612.! Wenn das mal nichts ist *grins*...
Dear Tami-U: I'm not sure if you win, but i want to tell you "congratulations" anyway, because you were in this marathon. I really admire people who is able to do this things, because i am totally lazy. I would like to have a little bit of willingness to make sports, but is still no posible. It was very nice to see your picture while you were running! Go Mini!!!
Querida millarahue, no, I did not win - the woman who won the run was twice as fast as I was ;-) But this was not important for me as my goal was to simply finish these 21 kilometres. I really, really appreciated the half-marathon - it was a unique experience running from town to town, supported by thousands of people standing along the way and cheering and encouraging every single runner. Try it yourself!
Ich liebe meine Freiheit, meinen Job, die Menschen, die dicht genug an mir dran sind.
Ich brauche eine SMS-Flatrate in alle Netze und jeden Tag bitte dreieinhalb Stunden mehr Zeit.
Und kann es nicht ausstehen, wenn Menschen sich entziehen.
Und wehe, einer sagt was gegen meinen Bruder! Oder überhaupt gegen Muttervaterkind! Oder einer sagt was Geringschätziges und Ahnungsloses über die Doktorierungsfähigkeiten meiner Lieblingsdoktorandin! In der Luft! Zerrissen! Wird der! Aber so was! Von!
2 Kommentare:
Dear Tami-U:
I'm not sure if you win, but i want to tell you "congratulations" anyway, because you were in this marathon. I really admire people who is able to do this things, because i am totally lazy. I would like to have a little bit of willingness to make sports, but is still no posible. It was very nice to see your picture while you were running! Go Mini!!!
Querida millarahue,
no, I did not win - the woman who won the run was twice as fast as I was ;-) But this was not important for me as my goal was to simply finish these 21 kilometres. I really, really appreciated the half-marathon - it was a unique experience running from town to town, supported by thousands of people standing along the way and cheering and encouraging every single runner. Try it yourself!
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