13 Mai 2007


Ach ja: Durchhalten, finishen und es schaffen, das war das einzige Ziel. Hat geklappt. In Worten (siehe Scan): 2:45'19 Stunden habe ich gebraucht und wurde 5612.! Wenn das mal nichts ist *grins*...

2 Kommentare:

Millarahue hat gesagt…

Dear Tami-U:
I'm not sure if you win, but i want to tell you "congratulations" anyway, because you were in this marathon. I really admire people who is able to do this things, because i am totally lazy. I would like to have a little bit of willingness to make sports, but is still no posible. It was very nice to see your picture while you were running! Go Mini!!!

Tami-U hat gesagt…

Querida millarahue,
no, I did not win - the woman who won the run was twice as fast as I was ;-) But this was not important for me as my goal was to simply finish these 21 kilometres. I really, really appreciated the half-marathon - it was a unique experience running from town to town, supported by thousands of people standing along the way and cheering and encouraging every single runner. Try it yourself!