04 Oktober 2007

Rohe Gewalt

When you are completely sauer because the fucking Telekom-Mann who is supposed to fix the bröckeling Telefonleitung lets himself not blicken although he should be here in the morning and now it is 16 Uhr in the afternoon, so that you could not leave the house and buy a Zeitung and a Geburtstagsgeschenk for your Patenkind and the neue Revolverheld-CD and when then auch noch the Internet andauernd kicks you out of the DSL-Leitung and when außerdem the Postbote did not deliver the orange pullover you ordered by mail a few days ago, then it may help to shout out loud "Du Scheiß-Ding, jetzt geh endlich zu!" to the Schublade you just räumed auf and dabei once again stelltest fest that this Kommode in your Wohnzimmer that you bought about 18 years ago from the money you got for your Konfirmation should now endlich mal be replaced by something new.
Then nämlich goes immerhin the Schublade zu. The Telefonmann comes therefrom leider immer noch nicht and you will get noch a little more mad than you already are. That can unter Umständen to the complete Verlust of your Muttersprache führen.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wie, immer noch kein Pullover!?!?!
Weiteres dazu am Montag im Büro ;)